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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Web Host myhosting Offers Parallels-Powered VPS Plans Out of Rochester Data Center

 By Justin Lee, May 16, 2011

An image inside of myhosting.com's data center at the LogicalSolutions facility
(WEB HOST INDUSTRY REVIEW) -- Canadian Web hosting provider myhosting.com (www.myhosting.com) announced on Monday it has expanded its Virtual Private Server Hosting options to include new packages in its Rochester, New York data center running on Parallels Virtuozzo Containers 4.6 (http://myhosting.com/virtuozzo-vps).

The recently released Parallels Virtuozzo Containers 4.6 offers many new upgrades including Disk I/O updates.

This update allows myhosting to further improve its Parallels Virtuozzo VPS plans with a new service, benefiting from the updated Virtuozzo platform in both its Toronto data center and new Rochester data center location at LogicalSolutions's (www.logicalsolutions.net) SAS70 Type II facility.

The recently released Parallels Virtuozzo Containers 4.6 replaces the traditional hypervisor with a virtual server operating system.

This gives users more control over the device and allowing myhosting to maximize the resources of its physical servers.

"Creating new plans to support PVC 4.6 and CentOS and Debian Linux allows us to dramatically improve our hosting services," said Darish Rajanayagam, director of operations at myhosting. "By leveraging the features included in Virtuozzo for Linux, we are able to maximize the potential of our physical devices, fitting more virtual machines in each server. The upgrade also allows us to upgrade our server management and monitoring services, making it easier to meet customer needs with a powerful VPS plan."

The new Disk I/O features of Virtuozzo Containers enable users to enforce and monitor Disk I/O operations, which will improve overall I/O performance, ensuring the operations of one container do not impact the performance of other containers.

The upgrade to Virtuozzo Containers 4.6 provides myhosting customers with improved performance of VPS plans and the ability to beneft from more powerful resources.

Parallels Virtuozzo Power Panel technology supports VPS hosting by allowing users to fully customize the advanced solution, as well as offering flexibility in deploying applications, system resources and other features.

Myhosting seems to be a strong advocate of virtualization, as a quick visit to its blog shows a considerable amount of articles detailing the benefits of VPS hosting.

The company seems to highlight the many reasons why users should choose VPS hosting solutions over other hosting options, such as the cloud.

Article Source http://www.thewhir.com/web-hosting-news/051611_Web_Host_myhosting_Offers_Parallels_Powered_VPS_Plans_Out_of_Rochester_Data_Center  permits to repubish here
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