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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hacker Group LulzSec Attacks CIA Website

By Nicole Henderson, June 16, 2011
 screenshot of a tweet by LulzSec tells followers to check out its latest leak

(WEB HOST INDUSTRY REVIEW) -- Hacker group LulzSec (http://www.lulzsec.com/) has taken responsibility for the CIA website outage on Wednesday night, according to various reports. The group also released 62,000 email and password combinations on Thursday, encouraging people to try them out on sites like Facebook, Gmail and PayPal.

According to a report by the Washington Post, LulzSec tweeted that the website was down at 5:48 p.m. and it was back up by 8 p.m.

A report by the Telegraph says that the website was sporadic through the evening.

Though the attack didn't result in any leaks of private information, it is the latest in a series of lofty attacks on government security by the group.

Earlier this week, LulzSec leaked data stolen from a server belonging to the US Senate.

Prior to that, LulzSec published 180 usernames, passwords and email addresses of FBI affiliate InfraGard members.

While some have pegged LulzSec as nothing more than immature pranksters, others have recognized the potential of hackers with a political agenda. NATO recently identified Anonymous as a major threat - adding them to a list that includes Al Qaeda and the Taliban, according to a report by PCMag.

Recently, a few Anonymous members were arrested in Spain.

So far LulzSec's targets have been politically motivated and motivated by "lulz", but as an anonymous body of hackers its next moves are difficult to predict.

Officials are investigating the outage, according to a CIA spokeswoman.

LulzSec has used its Twitter feed to announce attacks, and this week has started taking requests for sites to hack through its hotline.