(The Hosting News) – DDOS, or Denial-of-service attack, is the hacking ability to deny access for legitimate users of a certain service, thus making them unable to use their service. It destroys many machines and impedes services over the worldwide web and it is actually the greatest internet problem as of lately. Chances are you have heard of it!
The hacking process only involves installation of the DDOS software to a particular device, and when the legitimate user does a certain task or command on the device where the software was installed, this can automatically sendoff packets of commands onto all of the machines to be infected.
One of the primitive cases of DDOS attack is bombarding someone emails to fill the disk drive of his/her computer. However, as of late, there had been more advanced cases of DDOS attacks, one of which is through networked computers. Users can be denied access to FTPs, domain name services, and even access to the internet. These attacks can come from different sources, either inside or outside a certain machine or network. They attack the machine either by eating up its bandwidth, memory, or other resources, as well as, in a worse scenario, stop its function and shut the whole system down. You might be experiencing an attacked either if you have unusually slow network connections, if you become unable to view a certain website or any other website, or again, bombarding of emails.
DDOS attacks are very serious threats and can cause a lot of damage to a certain user, especially if that is intended for business. Remember that a business website or platform prepared for within a long time can be attacked just within a few minutes. This can actually result in business inactivity since returning or new customers would not be able to gain access to your website, thus causing you to lose sales. Even your web hosts can be affected; using all your allotted bandwidth is a prime way in which hosting companies are attacked. You will also have to put time to fix it, and it isn’t easily resolved. This breach of security can also lead to having your reputation at stake, since your website’s reliability is questioned.
With all these in mind, it is actually explainable why DDOS protection is really expensive. We are talking thousands or even millions of dollars compromised to your business. So, in order to prevent this, you have two choices – either to buy your own equipment which can actually be very expensive, or rent the equipment. However, renting does not necessarily make it all cheaper; instead it can actually cause you to spend more in the long run, especially if you opt for a very cheap hosting plan with just very little coverage, and you will never feel its importance until you become a victim.
Choosing an option will all depend upon the type of business you have. The more your business is worth, the higher the service you should have. Those websites that make a lot of money are actually more prone to being attacked, so if you are one of those running these type of websites, you have to at least have a high protection against DDOS attacks. Buying your own equipment can cost over $250,000, excluding maintenance charges. Renting, on the other hand, can cost from $8,000 a month to up to $480,000 (yearly), depending on how much security you need and how often you get attacked.
However, if you are just a small, temporary website and just needs little protection, you just have to outweigh both options and choose what’s more economical for you. Buying an equipment actually is more practical to save money, however if you need 24/7 support in case anything happens, you can just rent the service.
If you think the symptoms described above are present on your website and you are being attacked by DDOS, you should likely start doing some measures to stop this immediately. The best would be opening up your firewall, which is actually free on most computers. However this is not really reliable especially if an attack is too strong or very fast. It would take time for it to be able to classify as a certain command as either an attack or a legitimate one. Cron jobs can also be helpful but is rather heavy to perform, as this eats up huge bandwidths and speed of your connection.
Thus, the best way to not let this happen is to prevent it firsthand. That’s why DDOS hosting or equipment is recommended. If you are hosted on a provider, any attack coming from any potential hacker will have to go through the provider’s DDOS protection before reaching onto your server. This lessens the possibility that these attacks can go onto your system to destroy it. Also, buying your own equipment is rather reliable, but this may mean that you have to hire technicians as well as maintenance provisions. But still, this is all worth it for a serious threat DDOS is. Prevention is always better than cure, and you would not want to risk all your efforts and money to just be broken down by criminals in a blink of an eye.
Article Source http://www.thehostingnews.com/ddos-how-to-combat-attacks-16712.html permits republishing here
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