A screenshot of Storm On Demand's servers page
(WEB HOST INDUSTRY REVIEW) -- Storm On Demand (http://www.stormondemand.com/), the cloud computing division of Liquid Web (http://www.liquidweb.com/) announced on Tuesday it has updated its cloud service instance with an additional 96GB of RAM.
In addition to 96GB of RAM, each of these servers contains 32 cores at 2.0GHZ each for a total of 64.0GHZ, writes at over 3 Gbps and reads at over 4 Gbps.
The company said that Liquid Web has done "extensive research" on the cloud instance, and realized it is the "best I/O performance available in a cloud server."
Storm On Demand goes on to say in the press release that its on demand servers are "designed to provide incredible I/O performance thereby overcoming the common objection of I/O contention associated with switching to cloud computing."
The company also allows users to seamlessly scale from a small server instance to almost any server hardware available.
"By introducing 96GB of Ram into our Storm Server line, we have deployed a cloud server powerful enough to serve nearly any hosting need at previously unprecedented speeds," said Matthew Hill, founder and CEO of Liquid Web and Storm On Demand. "We are looking forward to providing an exciting new option for both businesses looking to enter the cloud market, as well as those looking to expand to larger instance. The 96GB Storm Server means that literally any business application can be served from the cloud."
Storm On Demand recently launched servers at an introductory promotional price of $.05 per hour or $35 per month.
Customers are give the choice of Ubuntu, CentOS or Debian servers, with the option of adding "Heroic Support" with any of the Storm services.
Storm On Demand is a division of Liquid Web, which has three data centers located in Lansing, Michigan.
Article Source http://www.thewhir.com/web-hosting-news/070611_Liquid_Web_Cloud_Hosting_Service_Storm_On_Demand_Upgrades_Servers permits to republish here.
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